Poetry Magazine Call for Submission

by Amanda Steele

Poetry Magazine Trans

peculiar is always looking to amplify the voices of the queer community in Utah and to make our creative community aware of opportunities for publishing their work. We wanted to let you all know about an exciting opportunity coming to you from Poetry magazine. This magazine is one of the most well-known and respected monthly journals in the country for publishing poetry, and it has been around for over 100 years.

From now until May 31st, 2018, Poetry will be taking submission for an issue that will be dedicated solely to the poetry of transgender, gender non-conforming, and non-cis poets. This is a great opportunity to submit your work, and we are excited that Poetry magazine is focusing on these marginalized voices. This issue will be guest-edited by Christopher Soto and is set to be published in the fall of this year. Information about submission guidelines can be found here.

We also encourage you to connect with the magazine by following their Twitter, @poetrymagazine. While this is a special issue that seeks to highlight and feature the voices of transgender and gender non-conforming poets, they also encourage all non-cis poets to submit their work any time to Poetry open submissions. These submissions are ongoing and can be accessed continuously. So, if you miss out on this deadline, you can always submit in the future.

Again, here’s the link to submit.


peculiar line

IMG_0705Amanda Steele is a queer poet and writer with a degree in Creative Writing and Gender Studies from Utah Valley University. She was born and raised in Idaho and currently lives in New York City. Amanda works as a freelance writer and blogger and has been published in peculiar, The Dandelion Review, and Sun and Sandstone, among others. She loves to mix her love of writing with her passion for activism and fandom. You can follow her on Twitter: @adamantaflame or on her blog here.